Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Who’s blogging about the Irish banks and the safety net?

October 5th, 2008 · 12 Comments · Irish Politics, Recession

I know I have asked about this this before but didn’t hear anything so I thought I’d go searching myself! I’m not too hot at all on economics and the stock market etc. being more a social policy wonk so I’m always on the look out for people who might know/express something – whatever that something might be! Have we any bank staff/brokers blogging – even anonymously? It seems to me that we’re going to be looking at this situation for a long time to come.

Karl Deeter at Irish Mortgage Brokers Blog

Donagh at Dublin Opinion wonders how much bad debt there is out there.

Green Ink at work with safety nets and trampolining Finance Ministers

John O’Shea asked a few questions I was thinking about.

Views from the Emerald Isle.

Conor McCabe at Dublin Opinion is worked up about the whole guarantee and names it as a bad decision.

Bock the Robber is none to happy at the Irish Nationwide and their email to UK customers.

Fergus O’Rourke the blogging barrister from Cork now has a section of his blog dedicated to the banking crisis.

Sharona’s Shambles reflects on something that puzzled me during the week – why in world were we faced by Willie O’Dea?

Let’s start with Tuesday. Tuesday: The Day Ireland Got Really, Really Scared. Whispers about what had gone on overnight will keep coming until the truth is told by someone who was actually there. But on Tuesday, nobody, and I mean nobody, seemed to be able to get the chief executive of any bank on air. And nobody could find anyone from the government either. Except Willie O’Dea.

Willie O’Dea is many things to many people. He is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a calm port in an economic storm. I can understand that, for instance, Brian Lenihan was a touch busy. In fact, if the excuse had been “Lenihan was up all night and this is the only two hour nap he’s getting this week�, that would pretty much fly with me too. But surely there’s someone between Minister for Finance and Minister for Defence who would be better placed to calm the nation?

Alexia, free market advocating is talking about Brian and Brian.

The Irish Times Pol Corrs have been blogging about banking and politics quite a bit this week.

Michael Taft from the Recession Diaries on his blog Notes on the Front.

World By Storm of the Cedar Lounge Revolution on the dead hand of the PD’s and when is a Cabinet Meeting really a Cabinet meeting.

James Doorley, Consumer Association of Ireland Chairperson blogs about consumer rights in the face of the guarantee.

The columns of David McWilliams can be found on his site amidst the plugs for his books etc.

(So when is George Lee going to blog – I’ve given a shout out to Eddie and now David – George it’s your turn next!)

Senator Shane Ross who is also business editor with the Sunday Independent. (He doesn’t do comments though which is a shame)

Joan Burton, who was prominent as the finance spokesperson for the Labour Party this week Counts the Cost of Cowenomics and talks about it on Youtube

Other links are welcome! Let me know what I’ve missed.

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