Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Entries Tagged as 'Irish Media'

Happy New Year

January 6th, 2013 · Comments Off on Happy New Year · Blogging, Irish Media, Irish Politics, Social Media

Hello 2013.  The laptop has been turned off since December 21.  It still works and I have remembered how to type! I’ve been saying a lot to myself in my head in the weeks that have passed. It’s better staying there than here to be honest.  However do go read DoctorFive on Cedar Lounge for […]




Newspapers thinking money grows on links

May 11th, 2012 · 4 Comments · Irish Media

Did you hear the one about the organisation ‘representing’ newspapers copyright in Ireland sending threatening letters to voluntary organisations/charities who publish links to newspaper articles on their own websites about items that may be of interest to readers? (Breathe it’s a long sentence I know, sorry). That’s links dear reader- not complete articles or scans […]




Three years on the circle is complete and still turning

March 3rd, 2012 · 1 Comment · Irish Media, Irish Politics, MSM, Social Media

Three years ago myself and a number of other bloggers attended the Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis, liveblogged, (It’s amazing to read it back) took photos, video , blogged and encouraged people in attendance to tweet and engage. We were looked at a bit strangely as we were there for the sake of doing it. OK […]




Guest Cluck: Responding to Tony Humphreys

February 5th, 2012 · 46 Comments · Disability, Irish Media

On Friday an article was published in the Irish Examiner by clinical pyschologist Tony Humphreys. It is one of the most inflamatory pieces of pseudo science I’ve read ever. As someone who works with people living with autism and knows many families who have family members diagnosed I know how dangerous and misguided the views […]




This is not news

December 29th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Irish Media

French lad wants to work in 33 countries in 33 weeks. Pulls a few pints and collects glasses in Brazen Head. Pub gets a plug. Nearly broke business man writes a book. Shots of him in his businesses. Plug Plug Plug. But PR honchos hope so and voila bored news editors think it is.


