Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Czech EU Presidency Gaffe-o-meter

January 16th, 2009 · No Comments · European Union

Jon Worth needs to be recognised for services to European Union blogging – he like I has been casting an eye towards Prague and the first two weeks of the Czech EU presidency.

It’s not been good – but maybe after President Klaus’s visit to Ireland late last year and that dinner with Chairman Ganley we knew there was going to be a bit of entertainment!

So in the past 15 days the Presidency has called Israel’s invasion of Gaza ‘a defensive’ measure – that statement was on behalf of the EU by the way and later retracted.

This week they launched an art installation marking the presidency which is offending a few member states! (Bulgaria is represented by a toilet, Poland has a gay flag being resisted by clerics (Brilliant – unless you are Polish!!), Ireland is a bog…you get the picture but it’s below for you to see in it’s glory.)

Today Jon has produced a series of images to help us mark the presidency’s gaffes according to level of gaffe as there are still five and a half months left. I suggest that such a device be used for all EU presidency’s and even for commissioners!


I thought I would make a small toolkit for EU bloggers – the Czech Presidency Gaffe-o-Meter, based on the idea of the Joe Biden Gaffe-o-Meter from the US elections. The idea is simple: when the Czech Presidency does something silly, you give the gaffe a score – 1 if it’s just stupid, 2 if it’s damaging, and 3 if it’s totally unacceptable

We will I’m betting be back to this in the next few weeks and I’m sure there will be accusations of bias towards accession states etc. Let’s see how it goes.

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