Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Gaff hunting

December 17th, 2006 · 5 Comments · Uncategorized

Having sorted out this issue (quite nicely thank you, still pinching myself) I am now on the trail of a new abode. It being at least 11 years since I went flat hunting, the property rental market in Dublin has changed considerably. In fact Morgan I can’t remember how we got that former massage parlour in South Richmond Street? (All Ireland Weekends were quite amusing there actually with the intercom going and drunken guys saying ‘I want a massage’. ‘Well you won’t find one here’ says me…) The Bretzel on a Sunday around the corner was bliss though – now I have a longing on me for a cheese bun.

So the changes in 2006 Dublin? A Bedsit is now a studio. A one bed apartment may also be a studio depending on the craftiness of the landlord. The Evening Press is no longer with us and the Evening Herald is no longer the place to look for the des res of your choice.

These days the place to go is, and one can set up email alerts to get immediate notification of places in your desired locale and price range being advertised. Then if you are sat on your PC you read the email, decide if you want to view/know more and ring the number or email through the site and hope for a viewing. I have learnt the following from this process…

1. Be online every morning and hang around a bit

2. Prepare to be amongst many others who are doing the same.

3. Develop sixth sense when ringing agency to ascertain how many other people are interested. Be pushy when asking additional questions to get answers- it’s a landlords market, they don’t want to answer questions but make them anyway.

4. If you get told about the viewing time don’t always assume that viewing will take place. Two viewings have been cancelled whilst I was en route.

5. If you do get inside the door of the advertised accomodation prepare to do a version of the job interview if you like the place. And as for the references? Many want the oaths of landlords, employers, bank!! etc. How does one say I don’t have a landlord’s reference – and no you can’t ask my ex what I was like to live with!
There are definitely some scams operating on The beautiful two bed townhouse in Drumcondra which was going for €1000 a month earlier this week (beautiful sofa, kitchen and dining table and leather chairs) had a landline voicemail system in operation – by the time I emailed about it 20 others had got there before me. I still couldn’t believe how little the rent was. Anyway I wished who ever got the house well and knew I would not hear back from the landlord. Then last night the same land lord and phone number was advertising a two bed apartment in the IFSC for €1000 – I started to smell something – there is no way in hell that a 2 bed in Ireland’s Canary Wharf (ok I’m being generous) only goes for €1000 a month.

As the rental market slows before the festive season I am left hoping that maybe prospective renters will go on their holidays and I will be left alone glued to my screen and some lovely one bedroomed (with seperate living room) flat with a decent kitchen in Dublin 1, 3, 5, 7 or 8 will come up. I’m even touting myself to landlords through Daft’s tenant database – but I’ll let ye dig around for that particular ad yourselves – far too embarrassed by the crap I said about myself there to do a link to it!!!



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