Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Entries Tagged as '#budget11'

Budget witterings

December 7th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Blogging, Irish Politics, Live Blogging, Newsdump, Recession, Social Policy

While we think we know the cuts to come because of the leaks and the four year plan there will be many cuts not announced in the budget speech but in documents released shortly afterwards by government departments. I will be having a look out for these to keep an eye on the seemingly smaller […]




Budgetjamming the myths

December 1st, 2010 · Comments Off on Budgetjamming the myths · Blogging, Irish Politics, Live Blogging, Newsdump, Newstalk

Over on a fine bunch of people are spending time between now and Budget day liveblogging the myths of the economy, reflecting on the state we are in and all the other phrases that make up what we are told is the ‘national discourse’. The project is part of Budgetjam and there will be […]


