Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Car Crashes, divorce and militant gay lobbies…

July 4th, 2008 · 4 Comments · Religious Right Dressed up as research institutes, Same Sex Partnerships

From Thursday’s Irish Times Letters page…

FF and Civil Partnership Bill

Madam, – David Carroll’s vitriolic attack on Senator Jim Walsh (July 1st, 2008) was a good demonstration of liberal intolerance.

Senator Walsh is absolutely right to be concerned about the proposed Civil Partnerships Bill and his concern mirror that of a majority of the Irish people, despite what Mr Carroll would have us believe.

This Bill, if enacted, will fundamentally undermine the institution of marriage. Marriage enjoys the special protection of the State principally because it has proven benefits for society. The same cannot be said of same-sex unions. If the State is to confer similar rights and benefits on these unions, then this must undermine the institution of marriage itself. If everything is special, then nothing is.

The Government has simply allowed itself to be bullied into a corner by the highly organised and well funded militant gay lobby, who loudly deny that there is any difference between marriage and same-sex unions. There is a substantial body of evidence, however, which indicates that same-sex unions are far more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marital unions. They also experience higher rates of violence, mental and even physical illness.

National psychological associations have been criticised for bowing to the pressure of political correctness rather than analysing the evidence objectively. – Yours, etc,




I don’t know which bit made me laugh and cry more – the ‘highly organised and well funded militant gay lobby’ or the ‘substantial body of evidence, however, which indicates that same-sex unions are far more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marital unions. They also experience higher rates of violence, mental and even physical illness.’

That’d be the lesbians more likely to have heart attacks and car accidents rubbish again. Mr O’Driscoll obviously has been reading a load of Paul Cameron, and Madam Editor decides that she’ll allow hatred to be incited/shite to be published!

(Box Turtle says that if you were to believe Cameron’s obituary study then Lesbians are 487 times more likely to die of murder, suicide or accident as straight women. And we never grow old either seemingly…)



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