Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Partying for Partnership

July 28th, 2010 · 12 Comments · Uncategorized

Mary White TD, Minister of State for Equality, Integration and Human Rights sent me and lots of other people an invitation to a party which is happening tomorrow night to mark the passing of legislation for Civil Partnerships.

The Party for Partnership is being held upstairs at the Odeon on Harcourt Street. The Odeon is one of the most inaccessible venues in Dublin, the upstairs part included.  (I telephoned and checked). So that’ll be able bodied people partying tomorrow night for forthcoming nuptials next year.

The Green Party and the Minister may wish when they have concluded their celebrations to consult a document from the National Disability Authority which is now five years old. *

It discusses issues pertaining to disability and sexual orientation. It’s well time that some of the suggestions in this report were acted on and further work completed regarding access and inclusion for lesbians and gay men with disabilities. It’s not just the Green Party that has this problem, the lgbt community is legendary itself.

*I was one of the people who advised the NDA in a voluntary capacity on the report.



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