Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

What will Sarah Palin say to Bono today?

September 24th, 2008 · 2 Comments · US Election 2008

Surely they must share Shannon Airport stopover stories? As part of her speed dating with foreigners exercise Sarah Palin is meeting the great one in New York today. Bono says he hopes to meet Obama before the election too…

As Palin is not doing press conferences or any coverage where a reporter can be present at a photo shoot, we won’t know what she and Bono talk about – great chance to make it up so!!

Bono is blogging about the Millennium Development Goals Summit over at the Financial Times. No don’t thank me for the link – you’re all very welcome!

If I hear anything more about the nature of the conversation during the meeting between the moosehunting hockey mom and the Great One I’ll let you know.

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