Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Yvonne and Connie – getting fake married?

April 6th, 2010 · 7 Comments · Irish Media, LGBT

or not…

I refer of course to Fair City. Yvonne Doyle who when I last watched Fair City years ago was one of my most despised characters, is going out with Connie – whom the RTE website describes as ‘Self-taught, independent and strong-willed’ (secret telly code for lesbian).  Yvonne met Connie in Australia it seems and last September there was a lot of hyped ‘we’re not doing this storyline for titilation’ stories in the press when they arrived on screen and emerged as a couple.

Seemingly they are going to get married – where I do not know as I’ve not watched enough, I don’t know why either (except that Yvonne is always a cunning woman desperate to look happy and Connie must be gullible and having doubts). I do know that Bella Doyle thought he was going to walk Yvonne up the aisle but Connie put the brakes on that. I hear too that there are babies involved just to make Cóir and the like even more hysterical.

I’m not sure either if there has been extensive discussions of the Civil Partnership Bill, the non recognition of Foreign marriages or the fact that there is no such legal thing as same sex marriage in Ireland.

All I know is that I can’t watch it – same sex kissing or no same sex kissing.

I’m sure there will be further drama before they get to the fake altar. (In Eastenders that is what they call a duff duff duff moment. PS. Coronation St. are heading into lesbian storyline land I hear.)  Fill in the gaps in the comments if you wish 🙂

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